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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Who is Responsible for the Atrocities in the Muslim World?

Who is Responsible for the Atrocities in the Muslim World?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg; US Supreme Court Judge; Marriage officially redefined

Well it seems that marriage as I've known it all of my 70 years on planet earth has now been officially redefined in the USA!
What is rather strange to me is that the judge who voted the 'loudest' for the change is Jewish!
I find it strange because marriage as it is defined in the Torah/Old Testament seems to point to the fact that the act was instituted by God Himself and that it was to be a covenant between male and female/ man and wo-man!
We know that the Torah is rooted in Judaism and so, by supporting this new form of 'marriage' and voting to change it in the American constitution tells me that Judge Ginsburg has rejected her true origin!

Genesis 2: 20-25

3 Perfect Rebuttals

Friday, June 19, 2015

Darius Clark Whipped, Burned, Beat Children | Scene and Heard: Scene's News Blog | Cleveland Scene

Does this man, Darius Clark, have any rights to speak of after what he did to two small, innocent children whose mother he sent away to work as a prostitute for him?
My hope is that both little children find good people to take care of them in this nasty and cruel world and that their abuser gets to serve all of his prison time with nothing off for 'good' behaviour!

Darius Clark Whipped, Burned, Beat Children | Scene and Heard: Scene's News Blog | Cleveland Scene

U.S.Supreme Court reinstates conviction of man who said teachers' testtimony against him violated his rights!

Shaking Hands with Iran

Shaking Hands with Iran

Friday, June 12, 2015

Mona Walter: Ex-Muslim: Koran Revealed a Religion I Did Not Like - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Mona Walter reminds me of myself!

I was a nominal Christian who grew up as a nominal Methodist, spent most of my early life getting educated at Roman Catholic schools in South Africa, left school with the idea of converting to Roman Catholicism but never got that far due to various being my Mother asking me to wait until the school influence had worn off.

I had always believed that God created the universe and all that in it was/is and I cried when I saw different movies about the life and times of Jesus Christ.

I tried different churches to see if I could get the answers I needed after a very nasty divorce had taken me to the very  bottom of the pit and, eventually, after remarrying and emigrating to Sweden where I still felt very strongly that I needed to get the answers to why my life had turned out the way it did, I was sent a magazine written in English which just happened to be my mother tongue!

This magazine prodded me into reading the book of Isaiah in the Bible where the prophet prophecies about the coming of the Saviour.

To learn more I decided to read the Bible from the beginning and the more I read, the more I knew I was on the right track!

I'm not impressed by Christianity on the whole as it has been so degraded by fanatics and paedophiles and the like but assuming that Jesus/Yeshua did start the movement via the Jewish nation and later allowed non Jews to be grafted in, then I have to believe that eventually the purest refined form will be the final outcome and all those who truly believe and follow in the steps of the Master Planner and Creator will be with Him in some supernatural state to enjoy with Him the vision He envisioned from the beginning of time!

Those who are creating havoc in the world today need to reboot as God is no respector of persons and His patience with wicked mankind may be coming to an end sooner than we think!

Mona Walter: Ex-Muslim: Koran Revealed a Religion I Did Not Like - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -