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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Martin Sixsmith: Why I needed to help Philomena find her stolen child

Martin Sixsmith: Why I needed to help Philomena find her stolen child: Journalist Martin Sixsmith describes how solving a family mystery exposed an illicit trade in ‘orphans’ by the Catholic Church

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Syria War Video: RT Interviews President Assad 15th Dec 2016

15th Dec 2016

With the war dragging on in Syria RT interviewed President Assad regarding the latest events in his country and he spoke some very wise words which those with ears need to hear and, as a result, change direction to bring this disasterous war to an end!

President Assad Interviewed By RT

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

French Court bans TV Advert that stars smiling kids with Down Syndrome

Many years ago I, as a practising midwife, thought that babies born with Down Syndrome would be better off had they been aborted early in pregnancy. At the time abortion was illegal in South Africa where I lived and facilities for helping these children and their parents to cope were few and far between. My attitude changed when, after emigrating to Scandinavia, I saw just how well these children and adults coped with the handicap because of the care and attention they received. Sitting on a bus and watching these people helping each other and squabbling like any normal kids still brings a smile to my face!

French Court bans TV Advert that stars kids with Down Syndrome

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Monday, August 08, 2016

Major scientific evidence against evolution

Video: Major scientific evidence against evolution; David Wood

If you wish to learn about or learn more about Islam the videos at this below..tell it like it is.
I believe that, as in Christianity, there are more nominal believers than true believers.
One can only become a true believer after having read the books.
After 42 years of being a nominal Christian I eventually read the Bible..both old and renewed Covenants..and started on a long journey which I am still travelling 30 years later.
3 years ago I decided to learn more about the religion which has its roots in Ishmael and now am happy to report that I now know that the God of Isaac..Yah is His holy name.. cannot be the same god of Ishmael.
Yah has a Son named Y'shua and together they planned and spoke  the universe into existence.
Their ultimate aim is to share all that they have with those who have learned about and obey their teachings and believe what has been experienced and written about their shared agenda.

Defeating Jihad; Sebastian Gorka; Totalitarianism; Political Correctness

Video: Defeating Jihad; Sebastian Gorka


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sweden: Is Islam Compatible with Democracy?

Sweden: Is Islam Compatible with Democracy?

Accusations of racism for criticizing Islam are “absurd”: Richard Dawkins

Accusations of racism for criticizing Islam are “absurd”: Richard Dawkins: LONDON (Web Desk) - A controversial English atheist academic, Richard Dawkins has said he is in favour of offending people's religion, which should be offended at every opportunity. 75-year-old Ric

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Purim Then, Iran Today

Purim Then, Iran Today: Persia is today’s Iran, our present day Haman who seeks our destruction.

Friday, March 04, 2016

The Real Bible Codes

These past few months I seem to have been directed into doing some serious Biblical research!
Of course we know that in this present age the Bible has become an extremely scoffed at book and that its contents are being denied and decried and all but puked upon and this is a tragedy as most scoffers and deniers have never even opened it, let alone read it!
I have challenged atheists about this and the answer I get is that because of what science has discovered and is still discovering based on actual fact, one does not need to read a book filled with fiction and myth!
I myself never actually read the Bible aka the Word of God until I was 42 years old. It was the book of Isaiah that set me off on that journey after a magazine I subscribed to pointed out chapter 49 where we read about the Redeemer and His coming!

Today the world is in a big mess and we could very well be in the time of the end of life as we have known it! Bible prophecy seems to point us in this direction. There are some very scary prophecy videos out on the net but there are also some very inspiring and uplifting ones!
The English translations of the Bible have been corrupted and manipulated to suit a certain world religion that seems to be rising again! This world religion is going to rule for a time and true Believers in God are going to suffer once again because of it!

I found a set of 12 videos that lead one on to the true path and hopefully whoever is reading this message will check them out!
God is real and Jesus is real but one needs to experience them in the ancient languages in order to understand this fact!

The Real Bible Codes

Monday, February 08, 2016

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Trump's Ban on Muslims: The Discussion the Media Won't Have

Trump's Ban on Muslims: The Discussion the Media Won't Have

The Beast of Revelation (Part 1)

This is part 1 of a 7 part series!

Follow it up if you wish to become enlightened!

The Beast of Revelation (Part 1): The book of Revelation speaks of a mysterious, terrifying great “beast” to appear in the last days. Who or what is this beast—and what system produces it?

Friday, February 05, 2016

Facebook's War on Freedom of Speech

Facebook's War on Freedom of Speech

LGBT Rights Become UN Currency

LGBT Rights Become UN Currency

Boris in Prison on Yom Kippur

Boris in Prison on Yom Kippur: A mountain of a man, here was a Jew totally ignorant about Judaism willing to risk his life for being Jewish.

As a Jew in State Prison

As a Jew in State Prison: A harrowing tale of surviving anti-Semitism in prison, and the remarkable journey of self-discovery.

Monday, February 01, 2016

Islam & Christianity In Prophecy; Tim Roosenberg

A very thought provoking message to today's world is found on this site!

Islam @Christianity In Prophecy

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Anna Mae Pictou Aquash; Leonard Peltier; AIM

While browsing the www to find out whether Leonard Peltier was still  in prison, I came across this article in the New York Times regarding the murder of Anna Mae Pictou Aquash.
I had read about her before some years ago and may even have posted something on this blog.
Seems she may have been sent to her death by members of the activist group she belonged to in the 1970s.
Leonard Peltier is apparently still in prison for a murder he was found guilty of committing in Pine Ridge all those years ago!
Seems a certain government body may have much on its conscience!

Who killed Anna Mae

President Obama: Free Leonard Peltier


9th Feb 2022
Today I noticed that someone had visited this page and so decided to look up the latest news on Leonard Peltier myself!
And yes..lo and seems President Biden is being approached to set him free!
Seems he may have contracted age 77 yrs!
45 years in prison for a crime he may never have committed is a looong time!!
Maybe it's high time..for freedom!! 😀

Mainline Protestant Denominations in Freefall, Touting Secular Agenda and Masquerading as Christianity

Mainline Protestant Denominations in Freefall, Touting Secular Agenda and Masquerading as Christianity: It may look like a church, sing like a church, have stained-glass like a church, and call itself a church, but be careful: It might not be a church.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

'Angela Merkel, du har dödat Tyskland': Facebook uppges censurera 16-åringens video om rädslan för asylsexvåldet

'Angela Merkel, du har dödat Tyskland': Facebook uppges censurera 16-åringens video om rädslan för asylsexvåldet: 'Vi växer upp i skräck'. Hennes berättelse om att växa upp som 16-årig tjej i Merkels mångkulturella samhälle uppges nu ha raderats från Facebook.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked! – A Voice Cries Out

The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked! – A Voice Cries Out: The Bible’s very greatest prophecies are on the threshold of fulfillment, with some already underway. They will soon explode with a force far beyond what anyone anticipates, including religious leaders, theologians, prophecy watchers and “experts” who think themselves in the know! The time for understanding colossal prophecies—history written in advance—has come! You can comprehend all that lies ahead. After reading this book, you will. Described in Scripture as “closed up and sealed till the time of the end,” knowledge of awesome future events has been opened, revealed and explained. Incredible prophecies now thunder a powerful warning to all who will hear and heed!

How (and Why) Palestinian Leaders Scare the World

How (and Why) Palestinian Leaders Scare the World

Health Benefits of Red Grape Juice (vs Red Wine)

Health Benefits of Red Grape Juice (vs Red Wine)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Henok Werie Fre: 'Antingen knullar jag dig eller så dödar jag dig': Amnesty-hjälte fast för rå våldtäkt

'Antingen knullar jag dig eller så dödar jag dig': Amnesty-hjälte fast för rå våldtäkt: Utvisades men lyckades stanna efter kampanj i media. Då begick Henok Werie Fre ytterligare en bestialisk våldtäkt i Eskilstuna.