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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Friday, January 22, 2021

Theuns Jordaan: Agter Slot & Grendel

 Theuns Jordaan is a South African music artist of world my ears anyway :)

Follow the link to his latest contributions ♡

Agter Slot En Grendel

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

COVID-19: A Divine Message?

COVID-19: A Divine Message?: Many see the virus as a message from God, but do not agree on what that message is.

The Trans Tsunami; Martyn Iles

 With the world teetering on the brink of total break down due to the ongoing turmoil as God is being deleted from the copy books and anarchy and lawlessness increase their strangle hold on the youth of the world..which includes my 2 grandkids..I'm hoping that many eyes n ears will look at and hear this very "food for thought" video..

The Trans Tsunami

Conversion Therapy

Sunday, January 10, 2021

What Is the Sword of the Spirit?

What Is the Sword of the Spirit?: “And take … the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). What is the significance of a weapon being listed in the armor of God?

Lord Of My Life

 At the moment the world walks in darkness, despair and lawlessness but in the words of this hymn of praise we find hope ♡

Lord Of My Life

The 20 Second Rule

 Certainly some food for thought here...

The 20 Second Rule

Saturday, January 09, 2021

The Great Reset

 The Great Reset

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh, by Augustus F. Lindley/The History Of The Ti-Ping Revolution

Have just lately been brought back to a story I read back in the early 1990s about a revolution that took place in China and it was one of the reasons I joined a then Sabbath keeping church.

The church splintered soon after I joined and many went back to their old Protestant roots but, altho I'm now churchless in a very secular country, I still love resting on this holy day..which we know as Saturday!

The author of the book was very well informed about that revolution as he and his wife took part in it and so..seeing as there are many other very biased accounts of the history..if u are reading this and want to follow up on its source just follow the link and search for the author! 

This same author..Augustus F Lindley.. has written about the role Britain played all those years ago in South Africa when Boer and Brit moved into the country and took over the diamond and gold fields and seemingly cheated the origional inhabitants out of land!

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Ti-Ping Tien-Kwoh, by Augustus F. Lindley

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Evidence that Vitamin D Supplementation Could Reduce Risk of Influenza and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths

It seems that ongoing research is showing the poor vitamin D absorbtion or lack of it definitely has an effect on how we react to the influensa and other related viruses! 

Saturday, January 02, 2021

God Van Liefde: Douggie McAlpine

 With all the murders and mayhem going on in South Africa and all over the world I think this song is very apt indeed! It warns us of what is to come if we throw out our Creator and Father and look to Babylon for fame and fortune and perverted living!!

The book of Revelations in the Word of God..also known as the us inside information so take time to read it if you will!

Video: God Van Liefde: Douggie McAlpine