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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Leonard Peltier: Biden commutes life sentence of Leonard Peltier, Native American activist imprisoned for almost 50 years

 After a very long period of incarceration it seems as if Leonard Peltier is/ will soon be out of prison thanks to ex- president Biden's pardon!

I followed this case during the time I corresponded with American inmates on Death Row and am pleased that Mr Peltier is more or less free to end his walk in life with his family after, what appears, to be years of physical 'endurement' for a crime he may not have committed! 

Should he be guilty as charged he will have to face another court of Judgement in the we all will 🤔

Saturday, February 15, 2025

George Harrison /Beatles was a Formula1 racing fan!

 Life continues to be full of surprises and yesterday.. (14th Feb 2025)..while checking out YouTube..I 'discovered' Dhani Harrison..the son of the famous..and my very favourite.. Beatle, George Harrison!

I also discovered that Dhani is the absolute dead spitting version of his famous dad in both looks and voice!! :o

My next discovery was that George Harrison was a f1 racing fan and even owned a McLaren Fl!

What makes my discoveries even more surreal is that I myself am still both a dedicated  F1 and Bike racing fanatic and follow the career of South African Brad Binder and even his younger brother who is also moving up on the ladder of fame it seems!

One can read about them on Crash

☆☆☆ Remembering Gary Hocking 1937-1962

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

1000 Israeli Musicians Sing With One Voice 'Bring Them Home'

1000 Israeli Musicians Sing With One Voice 'Bring Them Home' 

'It's Gonna Be Okay'; Brent Morgan

 Today while browsing I came across this version of a great song that, hopefully, will put anyone who is struggling with low self esteem, back on the path to self respect and a positive vision for the future! 

'It's Gonna Be Okay'

Thank you Brent Morgan and may your song enter  the hearts of many and give them hope! ♡

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Alison Botha health update — Reunited with family and fighting for recovery

 Today I read that 2 rapists who left a woman for dead 30 years ago in South Africa and who received life sentences for their heinous crime, have had their parole cancelled and have returned to prison!

I cannot for the life of me understand why they were paroled in the first place seeing as it wasn't their first time around doing the same horrific crime!???

Alison Botha health update — Reunited with family and fighting for recovery

Monday, February 03, 2025

Artificial Intelligence/AI 2045; Revelation and AI: Preparing for What's to Come

This evening was lead to read up about Artificial Intelligence by a Pastor on YouTube and, after doing a little research, found this article! 

Artificial Intelligence 2045

The sermon by this well known Pastor really does give one something to think about!!

Revelation and AI: Preparing for What's to Come

Friday, January 10, 2025

Seven Silent Signs Of A Stroke One Month Before It Occurs!

 Just lately a person I know suffered a stroke at age 76 years old.

I was rather shocked to hear this as he has always been very active!

Have decided to post a link to a video giving 7 signs of an impending stroke wait8ng to happen!

7 Silent Signs of a Stroke Waiting To Happen