In 1958 I heard Cliff Richard sing 'Move It' on the radio and I became a devoted fan at the young age of 14 years. I was living in South Africa at the time and this was a devastation for me as my roots were in England and that's where I wanted to be!
Luckily the radio seemed to keep up with Cliff's hits and I was able to buy different British pop magazines that contained news and pictures of Cliff and the Shadows.
In 1961 Cliff and the Shadows visited South Africa and stayed at the Carlton Hotel in Johannesburg. I lived out in the rural part of the country on a mining property about a three hour drive from Johannesburg so getting to the concert was out of the question.
I did get to speak to Hank Marvin on our old wind up telephone though and was so shocked when I got him on the line with very little effort that I could hardly get a word out. I never asked to speak to Cliff as I was sure they would never put him on the line!
I had quite a pleasant chat with Hank ( assuming it was him and I believe it was ) and then he said he had to go as the security people were going to try and get them out of the hotel and that would be difficult as there were so many fans screaming out front. I really was shaking when I hung up due to the shock of getting through to him on the ancient telephone!
The next day I was even more shocked when my uncle, who worked at the Central Fire Station in Johannesburg, arrived at our house with a program from the concert that was signed by Cliff and all the Shadows. He had done fire duty at the concert and obtained all the signatures while on duty backstage.
Sadly that program disappeared with other memorabilia when my parents retired and moved away.
I did get to see Cliff in action in 1976 or 1977 at a concert in a school hall that was packed with people and I stood outside with my neck craned at an angle to see and hear him for two hours. My husband was in a hurry to miss the rush of people at the end of the concert and so he literally dragged me off the second Cliff left the stage and as we came around the corner of the building he was also exiting in a hurry and by the time I realized who it was that was being hurried along to awaiting transport, it was too late to get a word out.
I was really most upset and especially as my husband, realising what I may have had in mind, dragged me off in the opposite direction!
Now, all these years later, because of a headline I saw in a newspaper yesterday, I find that my hero may turn into a 'pumpkin' in the near future and I find that he may have a son!
I have more research to do and especially as Cliff Richard has been seen as a man of God for all these years! Hopefully he's not going to be revealed as just another perverted molester of innocent children! How very very sad that will be for his fans and for true Christians in general
I want to know if I'm the secret love child of Cliff Richard
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