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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The habits that help prevent allergies 

Ukraine orphanages: Children tied up and men in cots

26th July 2022

Today I found this very depressing and sad article on the BBC's website..

If all that is written is true then what role does the Orthodox church play in all this?

What I'm reading certainly doesn't reflect the love and mercy preached by Jesus Christ 🤔

Ukraine orphanages:Children tied up and men in cots 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Archie Battersbee Update: 25th July 2022

The Bible states that Lazarus had been dead for 4 days before Jesus arrived to bring him back to life!

With faith and hope and fervent prayer, nothing is impossible if God wills it!

HalleluYah ♡

Archie Battersbee Update: 25th July 2022

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Why Christians Must Watch the News

Why Christians Must Watch the News: Everyone can become sick of the news. Here’s why we should keep watching anyway...

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Jonathan Cahn: "This is the worst of times and the best of times"; Lars Enarson: Norden 7:14

Today..23rd July 2022..I had a re-listen to Jonathan Cahn's teaching after watching a very inspiring video by Lars Enarson about who 'the church' really is and how an 'early rapture' is mere fallacy!

These things I have believed since 1987..♡

"This is the worst of times and the best of times"

The Original Hope

Norden 7:14

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Three Myths of the Modern Age

Three Myths of the Modern Age: Debunking three common myths will help you escape the rat race of modern life.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Archie Battersbee update: Court rules Archie Battersbee life-support can end

15th July 2022:

Am very sad to read this result! 😞

On the other hand, seeing as I believe in a Creator who knows our end from its beginning..and is no respector of persons, as it's written..perhaps Archie's story may save other young people from following his example..assuming he did accept an online 'challenge' 🤔

While on the one hand the Internet can be seen as an asset by some if used wisely,  I myself see it more as a curse as the stuff posted out there continues to corrupt and destroy the lives of our children and grandchildren! 😞 

Court rules Archie Battersbee life-support can end 

Alternativ för Sverige/AfS

Alternativ för Sverige/AfS

Kasselstrand dödshotad: rapport Almedalen

One For Israel Ministry: Sued For The Gospel. Will they shut us down?!

Sued for the Gospel. Will they shut us down?!

Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Power of Discernment

The Power of Discernment: In a rapidly changing world, amid a deluge of ideas and opinions, how can we clearly see what is right and wrong? Where can we find true wisdom?

Court documents in Polanski criminal case ordered released

Court documents in Polanski criminal case ordered released 

Monday, July 11, 2022


It never ceases to amaze me that when one is reading the Bible or articles pertaining to its contents, one suddenly finds something really eye-opening and which one has completely missed! 🤔

Near the end of the article I have linked to, one finds the following statement..

"What does the Word of God have to say about all this? To begin with, it strongly repudiates anti-Semitism. Psalm 129:5-8 says that “all who hate Zion” will be “put to shame…” It further states that no believer should ever give a blessing to such a person. With regard to the allegation that the Jews are “Christ killers,” the Word clearly identifies who murdered Jesus and makes it plain that they were not exclusively the Jews. In Acts 4:27 we are told that Jesus was killed through a conspiracy that involved “both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel.” In reality, all of us have the blood of Jesus on our hands, for all of us have sinned (Romans 3:23), and Jesus died for all sinners (1 Corinthians 15:3)."

I checked it out in my Bible and on Bible Hub..and there it is..'loud and clear' to speak!

Thank you One For Israel for wising me up today!! 🙏 

Ukraine Daily July 11th 2022 

Is An Arab NATO Taking Shape?

Is An Arab NATO Taking Shape? 

Athol Trollip: From DA lifer to ActionSA leader; Trollip to forge ahead with corruption charges regardless of vote of no confidence

Trollip to forge ahead with corruption charges regardless of vote of no confidence: Nelson Mandela Executive Mayor, Athol Trollip, said he would ensure that corruption is dealt with regardless of the outcome of the pending motion of n

Saturday, July 09, 2022

Seeing Clearly – The Story of the Human Eye

Seeing Clearly – The Story of the Human Eye: The human eye is one of the most complex systems in existence and its origin is among the least understood. Learn why evolutionary theories become blurry where the eye is concerned.

Ukraine News: 9th July 2022