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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Pink Hearts In Blue Bodies: Children on the operating table; Heather Brunskell Evans

When I was 17 I wanted to convert to Roman Catholicism as I felt that the religion I was brought up in, Methodism, wasn't very inspiring.
I had spent most of my school years in a Roman Catholic environment and going to Mass felt very 'holy'.
I spoke to my parents about conversion and, although they never said 'don't do it', my Mom said that she would suggest that I waited until I left school and started my nursing career and then made a final decision.
So that's what I did and the result was that I never converted and, for a number of reasons, I'm happy about that.

Conversion isn't always the right way to go and especially if it is carried out during a highly emotional time when hormones are fighting a daily battle in the human body during the explosive years of puberty. Once certain physical aspects are tampered with there is usually no turning back.
Even if the law allows one to do certain things without parental permission it is usually better to heed one's parents advice because, for the most part, they tend to care about one's wellbeing whereas the law has no physical or emotional or genetic connection.

With that thought in mind I am posting a link to a thought provoking article by Heather Brunskell Evans

Pink Hearts In Blue Bodies: Children on the operating tables

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